Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Twitpic Brings Video to Twitter

by Jolie O'Dell

Twitpic is launching support for video Tuesday, bringing about a new way for Twitter users to share their clips in a timely manner.
With Twitter’s growing importance as a tool for citizen journalism, multimedia uploading and sharing tools are more relevant than ever before. Services like Twitpic, while still fun for vanity purposes, have played a critical role in spreading newsworthy images from eyewitnesses who have been present with mobile phones at world-changing events.
Events such as the evacuation of Times Square, the earthquake in Haiti, the protests in Egypt and many others have been graphically and valuably portrayed on Twitter via services like Twitpic.
And occasionally, Twitpic images not only depict the news, they become the news, themselves. Last year, a photo of a transit worker sleeping on the job was posted to Twitpic and caused an uproar in the media.
While many folks post YouTube links to Twitter when they need to spread the word about an important video, it’s good to also have a tailor-made video-sharing solution for Twitter users.
Twitpic founder Noah Everett told us in an e-mail, “Users will be able to upload video from the site itself, email, and clients that support the new video option. Everything else basically works the same. We’re trying to be a one-stop-shop for users to share their media on Twitter in real-time.”
We asked if the videos would play from within the Twitter web interface, and Everett said, “The thumbnails will still show on Twitter for now; we’ll work with them to get the actual video itself integrated soon.”
Here’s what the new feature looks like on Twitter and on the Twitpic website. Click the images to see the videos in action:
We’re sure that Twitpic’s events and location features will also be a welcome addition to video sharing on Twitter.
Twitpic currently has 17 million users with 30,000 new registrations daily.

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